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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rattle in shaft

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Last night in practice, My stick developed a rattle in the hollow composite shaft. I'm guessing its just a glob of glue that came loose. Should I not worry about it (if I can put up with the annoyance?) Af first it sounded like I broke it but later realized it was just something like a glue blob inside the stick.

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Last night in practice, My stick developed a rattle in the hollow composite shaft. I'm guessing its just a glob of glue that came loose. Should I not worry about it (if I can put up with the annoyance?) Af first it sounded like I broke it but later realized it was just something like a glue blob inside the stick.

Either a small amount of excess glue deposit or epoxy.. It's annoying, but after a while just breaks off and comes loose.. If you can hear it rattle up and down the shaft, just remove the but end and let it out..

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That's common, but the only time I ever hear it is when I'm carrying it from the car to the rink. You mean you can hear it on the ice??

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Just like captain falcon says.

Not when playing (shuffling or shooting) but when I move the stick around sometimes I hear it.

I guess next time I retape the stick I'll pull the butt end off and remove it. I recall extra glue on the butt end. I guess the next time I re heat it up should I hold the heated end down so the glue settles better instead of becoming "klingon"

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i had a response + and it was weird....there was a rattling too i thought it was glue so i took off the buttend but it didnt come out....i guess the stick was built with sumthing near the fuse or stopped with sumthing it pissed me off so much

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i had a response + and it was weird....there was a rattling too i thought it was glue so i took off the buttend but it didnt come out....i guess the stick was built with sumthing near the fuse or stopped with sumthing it pissed me off so much

Many sticks have foam between the butt end and the fuse point. That could be what is blocking the loose glue/epoxy from coming out.

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In my case, the epoxy/glue was still half stuck to the wall of my shaft, if i tapped my blade on the ice or ground i could hear a snap-snap-snap.. One day it just came loose and poped out the end of my shaft..

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i had a response + and it was weird....there was a rattling too i thought it was glue so i took off the buttend but it didnt come out....i guess the stick was built with sumthing near the fuse or stopped with sumthing it pissed me off so much

That kept happening to my friends cut off response + but everytime he took the blade out a bunch of that black graphite would come out...the stick eventually broke.

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