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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forward flexion on new BNH skate

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Hey guys,

I just gave my skate to my shoes-repair to remove the plastic insert in my tongue on my F10

I know the XXX do not have this plastic insert so i'm more wondering about the guys who used the Flexlite and the new vapor(lower than XXX i think they all have the plastic insert)...

if you still can get a nice forward flexion??( because it was perfect without lacing the lace eyelet...but i wasnt able to make crossover and bad backward skating because i wasn't in stability on ice)

And i did compare them to my CCM 1152...it look like they are a higher boot...is it me or they are really a higher boot cut?? which could end up by saying it wasnt the tongue...but the higher cut boot which can result to a badder flexion!?

Sorry if this is annoying...i'm more interesting in your opinions about a higher boot cut...and your opinions about the ccm tack...how is there boot cut?? lower,mid or higher?

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I just gave my skate to my shoes-repair to remove the plastic insert in my tongue on my F10

That's a good way to cause lace bite. The inserts are in the tongue for a reason.

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the flexlite toungue is much thicker though. It's pretty annoying on my F12s too, but i just dont lace the top eyelit like on all my skates and it is fine.

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i thought the platisc was more for protection...i'm good without lacing the top eyelet too.,..but one of my friend and my father told me i was skating better faster in straight line...but when doing crossover it wasnt really great to see lol!

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