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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrenty for synergy

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i just bought a synergy from National Sports, they were on sale for 119.99(can)

and its the p23 pattern, im just curious what i would get as a warrenty replacement from easton?

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I'm just guessing here, but if it's a current stick I would imagine they'd replace itwith the same stick if any breakage was determined to be caused by a manufacturing defect. If it's an older model, it might not be guaranteed.

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i just bought a synergy from National Sports, they were on sale for 119.99(can)

and its the p23 pattern, im just curious what i would get as a warrenty replacement from easton?

P23 is one of the Euro patterns. It's retail but not commonly found in North America if I remember correctly.

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i asked about that..... i do get a full 30day warrenty.... but what i get is the question... is the 2003-04 synergy.

9/10 you'll get a new Synergy ST in whatever curve and flex you had before. As for the P23 curve I have no idea. All of our remaining grips, si-cores and silver synergy's are $99 and still carry the 30-day warranty.

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