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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bonk vs sakic

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Ive broken 300 dollars of sticks in 2 days so I'm going to buy a new stick today. The most durable stick I've ever used was a vector 110 so I'm probably gonna get another one. My only reserve is that I've basically stuck to Sakic curves the last 5 years and Bonk is the only thing similiar offered in ccm. SO, has anybody used both and what are the differences, I've heard so many different opinions on what the actual lie of the bonk pattern, and does the big rocker effect stickhandling compared to sakic? I'm either buying a vector 110, or synergy st.... Any input is appreciated. (i searched, but theres nothing that really focus's too much on my topic)

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The toe on the bonk is so messed up I would think it would be really hard to use. Have you looked at a doan? I think its more like a drury but the toe shape is more like a sakic...ccm should really think about getting a sakic clone... I would've had a vector a long time ago if they did.

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I have used both. I started with an Yzerman, then tried various patterns came back to Yzerman, then tried a bonk. Now I use Sakic. Honestly the lie is what drove me crazy with the bonk, I just couldnt get used to it...so the bonk blade is just sitting in my spare bedroom. Other than the lie I think they are very close to the same curve.

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Is a Rechhi not similar?

i thought the same

isn't it though?

They're both moderate mid curves but that's about it. The sakic is much more open and is a 5.5 lie vs. a 5 lie for the recchi.

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Is a Rechhi not similar?

i thought the same

isn't it though?

They're both moderate mid curves but that's about it. The sakic is much more open and is a 5.5 lie vs. a 5 lie for the recchi.

Plus recchi has a square toe, like almost all ccms patterns.

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Rechi is a 6 Lie

I'd trust the MSH pattern DB over whatever source you're getting this info from if I were you.

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