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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour Code1's shipping online...

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i actually got a email from Tour (finally after a month of waiting for a response) saying that the code ones are in stores now.

I have been waiting for them to come out for some time now but i really want to try them on 1st. 400 is a lot to spend on something i cant try on, i hope my local shops get them in soon

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i also hope that if you swap the bearings out to normal size bearings, that the screw will fit through the holes on the chasis. I am not sure if micro bearings use a skinner screw or the same size one a normal bearing uses.

no places near me really carry micro wheels so i wanna use my bbs bearings on these

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I'd just keep the micro bearings and use the wheels that use micro bearings. If you're going to buy a high end skate you might as well buy high end wheels right? Micro wheels can be bought online and usually for cheaper since you don't have to pay tax like at your LHS.

The whole reason for Micro Bearings/wheels is to reduce weight... so I'd just stick with what comes on these skates personally.

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What makes the Code 1's better than last year's Beemer? The Code 1's are set at $400 & the Beemer skates are now reduced to $230. Tough too decide between the two...

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The Beemers and Code1s are pretty different. Tour has been in the process of making the code 1s for some time now and have made alot of changes. Many people have said the Blue Max was the stiffer skate between the bluemax and the beemer. The code 1 is so much lighter then the beemers.. it feels alot stiffer also(stiffer than the blue max too). Im not a fan of mini bearings because they break down quicker because dust/dirt from the rink gets into them and they break down easier.. but the code1 boot is a huge upgrade from the beemers.

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just thought I would let everyone know how good the Code-1 skate is and how worth the money they are. I've been on this skate since Narch finals so its been about a month. I didn't skate on the beemers before so i can't really compare them to the code 1s, but i was using a converted pair of vapor XXs with sensor chassis. I thought that was a nice and really light set up until I got the code 1s. First thing about this skate is the weight, its amazing to believe that this is a roller hockey skate.

Comfort wise there was no break in period at all, just put them on and was ready to go. the one thing i love about the skate is the tongue, its probably the most comfortable part of the skate. the stiffness is ideal too, its stiff to provide support but flexes enough to give you ankle mobility. I don't lace my top eyelet on my skates and it still has plenty of support.

the Cateye chassis. I've fallen for every gimmick chassis, the vibe, the hi-lo, the sensor and to be honest the all 80 set up of the hum'mr is the real deal. You will skate faster with this chassis. You will accelerate quicker and maintain your speed. and there is no difference in agility or anything like that with the chassis. this chassis is no gimmick, it really will help you out.

the labeda genesis wheel is the icing on the cake. the way you can cut and turn sharply on this wheel is awesome, but the best part is coming out of a turn the way the wheel reacts and rebounds. I've been on rinkrats before this and I must say I like the genesis wheel a lot more. it just feels fast and grippy. I've only been on them a month but so far they are holding up, the durability is still in question, but so far so good.

all and all, the best inline skate I've ever used. this skate is worth the 400 bucks and even worth going into debt over. go ahead put the 400 bucks on your credit card, you won;t be disappointed when you take them onto the rink.

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Hey #96,

The vapor XXs I was in were size 8 and the Code-1's are also size 8. Sizing wise it worked out between the two skates. I would still suggest trying the skates on first if you can. Also, I am not sure I would say to try on a pair from last year. I had the redmax in an 8 and they felt a tad too big on my foot but the 8 in the code-1 this year fit perfectly.

Hey Mightyjohn,

I don;t have the widest of feet so I can't really judge. and I don't wanna say yeah you will be alright in them with the width and have you drop 400 bucks then they are uncomfortable. Epuck is extremely helpful with their customer support, I would suggest dropping them a line and asking if anyone there can shed some light on the width question.

I forgot to mention, yes Tour includes the extra set of bearings but honestly I think once you skate on the Genesis you are gonna want to stick to the mini bearings and the new labeda wheel. The bag is also a steal too. You can easily fit all your gear in it and then some. Tour is really offering a great deal here.

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Game are they WIDE I fit a Bauer EE...?

I'm an 8 EE in Bauer Vapors and I fit in an 8.5 in the code1's. The toe isn't as wide as the vapors so my toes touch a little more up in the front... but they fit great just like the vapors do for me.

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Concerning the Code-1 axle system, we are using a standard 8mm axle. This axle set up will work fine with 688 mini bearings as well as standard 8mm bearings. The Code-1 features a new improved 688 mini Abec-9 bearing. These bearings are a major improvement over Mini's of a few years ago. We have done a lot of testing and found most of the skaters like the performance. For those skaters that question mini bearings we have included an extra set of standard Bevo Abec-9 bearings and spacers in each box at no charge. Although the axles are the same for Mini's and standard 8mm bearings, the spacers are different. By the way, if you have any problems with the new Labeda Genesis wheel, Labeda will replace the wheels, no hassle replacement. You can also contact Tour for any problems you may have as well.

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just got my code-1's on friday...they're pretty freakin' awesome. i used a graf703 with sensor frame for the past few years, and i decided to finally part ways with them for roller. these skates are really sweet, i haven't been a fan of the tour boots before, graf's always were the best for me, but dang, these boots are awesome. the wheel set up is a little weird for me, but i don't think it'll take long for adjustment. the tongue on the skate is nice and thin, but they're really stiff at first, i skate barefoot, so they're kinda itchy, but i assume they'll just end up like every other skate tongue i've had....nasty. overall, these skates are so damn light for roller, it's amazing.

kudos to the engineer's at tour....are you guys hiring?

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Vita, what size did you get for Code 1's and what size were your Grafs?

I ordered a pair from Epuck on Friday. Size 8. I have Bauer 30-90's in 8, Easton Zair Comps in 8, CCM Outcasts in 8, and Missions in 9.5 and 9. Im really hoping these will fit. I don't feel like sending them back to Louisiana.

The Tour guy said they are fitting like Bauers, but then Quitarlip mentioned that the toe isn't as wide as Bauers, so his 8.5 Tours are a bit small and his toe is hitting the front of the skate.

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There's one for ya Shutie..right off the Epuck website! I can take some pics when they come in on Monday. I'll get some different POVs. Skates always have side angles only.

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Vita, what size did you get for Code 1's and what size were your Grafs?

I ordered a pair from Epuck on Friday. Size 8. I have Bauer 30-90's in 8, Easton Zair Comps in 8, CCM Outcasts in 8, and Missions in 9.5 and 9. Im really hoping these will fit. I don't feel like sending them back to Louisiana.

The Tour guy said they are fitting like Bauers, but then Quitarlip mentioned that the toe isn't as wide as Bauers, so his 8.5 Tours are a bit small and his toe is hitting the front of the skate.

But my Bauers are size 8 EE... with an EE width the toe is going to be wider. Size 8.5 fits me nicely. In Tours size 8 my toes were too scrunched at the front. Not that my big toe was scrunched... but the outer sides of my feet around the toe area were scrunched (make sense?). If the skates came a little wider like the Bauer EE then I'd fit into an 8... but at the current width I'm an 8.5.

I got mine last Wednesday and I love them... super light... yet still a lot of support. I love everything about them and they are 100 times better then the Mission HE750's I was skating on.

The only problem I have is that some of the wheels wobble. I can move the wheels back and forward with my hands... and when skating you can hear them click. I contact Tour and they said to contact Labeda as it may be the wheels. I contacted Labeda and they said it's probably the wrong size spacer (just a little to big). Labeda took my number and told me they would call me back on Monday (I called late on Friday and they said Tour would already be closed). The guy from Labeda said he's heard of this happening before with the mini bearings a few years ago with Mission. Either way, he said Labeda or Tour would take care of everything and I have nothing to worry about. After speeking with him and Tour I'm very happy with both companies. I think their customer service is amazing!

Here is a pic of mine :)


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Ahh thanks for clearing that Q...makes sense. I should be ok then, since I can use a regular D width.

I hope I don't have those problems with mine. If I do, I maybe contacting you for numbers and/or advice.

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Ahh thanks for clearing that Q...makes sense. I should be ok then, since I can use a regular D width.

I hope I don't have those problems with mine. If I do, I maybe contacting you for numbers and/or advice.

Not a problem. If you're a regular width, then an 8 will probably work (although your toes may be a little scrunched... depends on your preference I guess). I prefer to just have my toes touch the front of my skates. My big toe can just touch the front of my code 1's... my little toes have a little bit of pressure on them from the side of the toe cap/boot. You'll love them though :). They look even better in person then pictures give them justice.

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