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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle X70 glove sizes

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Does the Eagle X70 come in any size other then 14.5? All the online stores I see say to call for pricing... but none show sizes available. I visited one of my LHS's today and they said they only carried 14.5 (which could mean their store only carried that size or Eagle only carries that size). Are there other sizes available? The gloves I saw didn't have a size anywhere on them or the tags on the gloves.

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I think retail Eagles are 14.5, some stores carry 15's, if you want smaller ones you could try their intermediate line, or you can get customs ones

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Excellent. Thank you for the replies. I've read nothing but good things about these gloves. I'm interested... they're just expensive, but, you get what you pay for.

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