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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I had a bunch of spyware and the like on my computer so i DLed a few different programs to delete them. I just installed Norton AntiVirus on here, but I can't connect to the LiveUpdate to update my files. According to the program Security Task Manager something changed my "HOST file" to block a bunch of different websites, LiveUpdate being one of them. But when i try and edit my HOST file with Text Editor and save it, Windows won't let me. Does anyone know how to edit the HOST file? Thanks.

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Save the new copy of the host file to another location and copy/paste it to the original location.

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boot up in safe mode, and then change the host file, and try to run the antivirus software from safe mode

if you do not know how to boot in safemode, google it.

some virus software you can boot off cd, and run the virus software off the CD, and check your computer

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One of the guys from the Niagra trip was just asking what happened to you. Good to see you're still alive.

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Damn, I was just talking about you yesterday.

Yea I don't doubt it, I'm the flavor of the month around these parts.

Yeah, if you are who I think you are I was wondering what happened to you.

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