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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice times

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Me any my team are having to make a decision. There are 2 rinks courting the men's league around here. One is giving earlier ice times but the price is abour $1000 more. The other rink is offering us cheaper ice but later times. We're split down the middle on where to go. Any suggestions? :huh:

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For me, the quality of the facilities should be an important factor.


Locker rooms & showers

Hockey shop


Should all be considered.

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Go earlier so then you may not get robbed as much with people lurking around at night.

yea he got a big point there....

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Well the ice times at the cheaper rink start at 1015 and can go as late as 1145PM.

The more expensive rink has the latest time at 915PM.

I like the less expensive rink as it's newer and I think the ice is much better. The locker rooms are better also.

The more expensive rink just keeps saying "wait until you see what's coming". The guy who bought the rink also owns the rink at Old York Road in Elkins Park PA. Anyone familiar with it?

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Which days of the week would be important for me, too. I'd love to play late on Friday or Saturday night. I just wouldn't want to have to go work the next day.

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We have one early time on monday I think its 7:30 and its rough for some guys to get to the rink from work, considering traffic and wanting to grab dinner and your gear beforehand. The later games are never a problem until the next morning but going to bed early the next day solves that one. I would personally go for the cheaper one $1000 buys a lot of beer :)

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Sounds like we're going for the earlier ice times. The other rink slipped a small thing in. Periods were 15 min, not 16 as our usual. The 16 min times were more expensive. Thanks for the input.

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