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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Golf Bag

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I'm thinking about getting a new golf bag since my adams bag's stand broke a few days ago. I went looking today and saw the Ping Hoofer Lite. Looked like a good bag for the money, $120 canadian. Does anyone have one or has anyone heard anything about the hoofer lite? What are some other good stand bags out there for under $150 canadian?

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If you could get a Sun Mountain or Ogio bag for under $150 that would be a good purchase. Also Ping Hoofer 3's are probably one of the best bags ever made, and they are last year's model so you could probably get one for a deal. I have a Hoofer Extreme and no complaints. I Generally like the bigger sized carry bags, but if you dont mind having smaller storage space then a Hoofer Lite would be a solid buy.

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I have one of the older hoofers, i think its original. Its ok, I wish the pockets were a little better quality. Like my dads nike bag has jewelry pockets and other acessories that i wish were added to the ping hoofer. The dual strap is great but i like the Ogio dual strap better that is featured on taylormade , nike , ect bags. I also like the ogie "woody" i think its called club divider, i hate how my bag just has the divider at the top and no fabric that goes to the bottom of the bag and the clubs get all tangled and its a pain to get them out. So overall i would go with a Ogio, Sun Mountain, ect. Pings are ok. But i think they could do better.

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I've had two Sun Mountain bags, and the stands broke on both. The Hoofer is a nice bag though, and Ogio bags are great for the money.

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