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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pink Mission OPS

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well JR rochester hills may be the metro-slash-homo capital of michigan, i bet you see many a collars popped

Eyyyy I wear my collar popped sometimes (I'll admit it), and I'm totally straight and non-metro

lol tried that once and this chick came and put it down and told me to never do it again.

Haha, owned. I did it once, felt gay, and stopped. End of story. (Girl also rolled it down on me, hahaha).

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Well, the girl that did it is a friend of mine. So she's not part of the (how do I generalise this...?) whatever group that wear their baggy-ass clothes (pants that are too long) and pink polo shirts.

Not for me.

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Well, the girl that did it is a friend of mine. So she's not part of the (how do I generalise this...?) whatever group that wear their baggy-ass clothes (pants that are too long) and pink polo shirts.

Not for me.

People who wear neon colored polo's by you wear baggy jeans? Damn you have it lucky. The kids here wear tight, and i mean tight, jeans with multiple rips/stains/whatever else on they're jeans.

Back on topic, i would never use that stick. My pink tape, and pink eagles are enough. :lol:

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Well, the girl that did it is a friend of mine. So she's not part of the (how do I generalise this...?) whatever group that wear their baggy-ass clothes (pants that are too long) and pink polo shirts.

Not for me.

People who wear neon colored polo's by you wear baggy jeans? Damn you have it lucky. The kids here wear tight, and i mean tight, jeans with multiple rips/stains/whatever else on they're jeans.

Back on topic, i would never use that stick. My pink tape, and pink eagles are enough. :lol:

I think I'd laugh non-stop for a day then realize that people really can be that dumb. I tend to like my TNF and Eddie-Bauer shirts and AE pants. Maybe it's just me...

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I think I'd laugh non-stop for a day then realize that people really can be that dumb. I tend to like my TNF and Eddie-Bauer shirts and AE pants. Maybe it's just me...

Most of the kids here wear this combo.



...And spiked hair. (i.e. "italia" style).

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