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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pickup in Toronto?

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Now that my men's league seasons are done for the summer, I've got a bit of a hockey drought ahead of me before the fall / winter season starts in late September.

I was wondering if anyone on the board has access to or arranges pickup hockey games in the Toronto area and is need of another player. All of the public drop-ins that I know of are either during the day or really late at night, so they don't work for me.

If you have any info / ideas, please PM me or post here.


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I'm not in Toronto so I can't help on that front, but when I was in a similar situation I found the weekend and evening stuff was full, but there were some early morning groups dieing for a few more guys.

If you're an early bird you may want to look into that.

Good luck,


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