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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flexlite question

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I wear a 8.5 in the v-series.. I tried on the flexlite 12 and the skate does not fit me at all because the heel is way too wide for me so it is in fact wider than the V's. The sizing should be the same though because the 8.5 was fine for me.

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I recently went from a Quest1 to a Flexlite12 (the Quest & V series has a similiar fit.. in length, but down one size... 8 Quest 1 = 7 V12) I went from a Q1 size8/V12 size7 to a 6.5 Flexlite 12.

Hope this helps?????

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MY SUGGESTION IS TO TRY THEM ON/PURCHASE LOCALLY. BUT if that is not an option, order from an online company that will allow full refund without a restocking fee. Shipping fees will be your expense to order both pairs to compare sizes.

Vapors vs. Flexlites........ fit very different.

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