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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Pants Question

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I'm in the market for some new hockey pants. So yesterday I decided to start browsing hockey websites for pants. While I was checking all my usual sites, Epuck, Hockey Monkey, etc. I believe I was on Hockey Giant when I saw they had the new '06 Mission pants. And they looked killer too. I can't remeber if they were in stock or pre-order.

So today I went back on Hockey Giant wanting to get some more info on the new pants, and now they are now longer on the site. Bummer. After checking about every other website I can think of, I still can't find them.

Does anybody know when the '06 Mission pants will hit the shelves if they haven't already? Can you pre-order them anywhere?

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