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Big Dawg

AP Classes

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We have AP in Canada too, Easy. I`m taking AP Physics and History next year. Theres also something called IB (International Baclaureate) program, I was accepted into it but I didn`t think the extra work was worth it, or needed to get into University.

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We have AP in Canada too, Easy. I`m taking AP Physics and History next year. Theres also something called IB (International Baclaureate) program, I was accepted into it but I didn`t think the extra work was worth it, or needed to get into University.

asdfa took the AP American History exam. The way it is at our school is that you can take american history (its either gr 11 or 12) in gr 10, and you have the option to write the AP exam. However, the curriculum is not specifically designed to prepare you for the AP exam, so you have to do a lot of extra studying. From my understanding, unless your going to university in the US, the AP stuff is rather useless. And eazy, 4u courses are basically academic courses (as opposed to more tech-y courses) that you submit to universities.

ps. i take latin, and have taken it for 3 years. ive had enough of it though, and am going to drop it after this year.

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I took the test last year, and I talked to a few kids who took it this year. The general consensus was the DBQ and essays were really easy, and the MC were mediocre. When I took the test last year I remember it was the complete opposite, the MC and DBQ were really easy, but I had no clue on the essays.

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I thought the entire test was easy except for one of the essays which was apparently a very easy question, I just completely blanked on it. Is it possible to get a 4 despite bombing one of the minor essays?

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I thought the AP calc exam this week was extremely easy. I definitely laughed at a bunch of the questions on the exam because they were just that easy. Anyone taking AP psych this year?

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The first 10 questions or so on the multiple choice were an absolute joke; just too damn easy. They got progressively harder, but it wasn't insane or anything like that - really pretty simple.

The essays weren't too bad. I really didn't write very much (compared to the ELA, which was, with the exceptions of the Earth Science exam I took in 8th grade and the Spanish III exam I took last year, the easiest test I have ever taken). I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Overall, I think I did fairly well.

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Yea the MC was a joke, they chose the most obvious cartoons i've ever seen and most of the questions were very straightforward. I wouldn't be surprised if I got over 65 correct.

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The first cartoon (for those of you that remember it...not sure if I'm really supposed to mention it specifically - you never know who's reading, and I DID sign that thing at the beginning of the test, so... ;) ) was hillarious. It was probably meant to be a little more serious, but, I found it to be comical.

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Yea, they're pretty hardcore on not mentioning the MC questions. But overall I didn't think the US hist was too hard. I gotta take Psychology on Tuesday, Anyone else taking that?

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This may sound stupid, but for those who have taken AP Gov in previous years, what is the test like? My teacher is worthless and taught us nothing, and my whole class has no idea what to expect.

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