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Osgood-Schlatter Disease

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Has anybody here have or had it? I went to the doctor's today and he said that is what I have.It got to the point that I couldnt even skate anymore.it should go away in a month according to the doctor,but could take up to 2 years to go away.

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Its your tendon under your knee cap,that is being stretched by rapid growing.It hurts really bad.It usually happens in Teens 11-18.

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i had it. it doesnt bother me anymore. when i skate and snowboarded it would get really bad to the point where when i would come in i would barly be able to walk. i havent skate or snowboarded in a year and a half now and its pritty much gone.

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I have it I started feeeling it when I was playing football. I went to my cyropractor and he said it was due to the running and jumping and a growth spurt but the running and jumoing made it worse. So he told me to get this brace to go in between the knee cap and the bone that hurts so now its fine but it doesn't act up (im sounding old) when im playing hockey only football.

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Its your tendon under your knee cap,that is being stretched by rapid growing.It hurts really bad.It usually happens in Teens 11-18.

i had that pain 2 years ago and i asked my science teacher what it was he said it was Osgood-Schlatter. Next day my leg was fine. I never liked him

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I have it really bad, I've had it for.. almost 3 years I think? It hasnt gone away yet and it kind of sucks. It gets really sore if I drive for more than 3 hours with out stretching my legs out for a few minutes or something. Hockey is pretty bad too.. No way to get rid of it either. I thought that those McDavid bands made it worse when I used them for lacrosse.

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I got it about a month ago after my shin splints came. Conditions range from really not that painfull to excrusiating(sp?)...mines about a 7 i'd say on a 1-10 scale.

Anyways, i've had it for a month with no heeling and my buddy has had it for over 2 years w/o any healing. Mine's not so bad until after i get done skating or playing another sport. WHILE i'm playing though is pretty much all that matters to me so it is not so bad. But osgood combined with shin splints = BAD PAIN!!!

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I have it really bad, I've had it for.. almost 3 years I think? It hasnt gone away yet and it kind of sucks. It gets really sore if I drive for more than 3 hours with out stretching my legs out for a few minutes or something. Hockey is pretty bad too.. No way to get rid of it either. I thought that those McDavid bands made it worse when I used them for lacrosse.

They said if it doesnt go away in a month and a half ,Im most likely going into surgery,because I cant skate for 5 min without it being extremely painfull

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Okay,so I went to practice today and wore that McDavid Band.I had no pain what soever.But right now when I took it off it started to hurt bad,I really hope this goes away soon.

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Okay,so I went to practice today and wore that McDavid Band.I had no pain what soever.But right now when I took it off it started to hurt bad,I really hope this goes away soon.

It doesnt go away soon, especially if you just got it. Somebody else on my team has it and says icy hot before helps sometimes, but I've never tried it. When I went to the doctor they said there was no surgery or nothing I could do besides stretches that didnt do anything.

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Omg lol. I thought my friend made it up. I have a lazy friend who always makes excuses of why he can't run or something and lately about his knees and he told me he had this. lol it does sound fake though.

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My brother had it...what they used to call "Growing Pains". He shot up around 13-15 years old. It goes away.

Same with my brother he grew out of it recently though

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OK guys were getting a little off topic here. Let me clarify.....Most of you guys are talking about not Osggod-Schlatter's disease but rather patella tendonitis here the difference....

1) Patella Tendonitis. Those big powerful thigh muscles (quadriceps) all join together close to the knee and form a tendon(quadriceps tendon) which is inserted into the top of the knee cap(patella). At the bottom of the knee cap there is a fibrous strap that attaches the knee cap to the shin bone(tibia) called the patella tendon. When there is inflammation in the patella tendon you develope pain jus below the knee cap. This is commonly called "jumpers knee" and a patella strap, which is a padded strap that circles the leg just below the knee cap, cushions the vibration/snapping of the patella tendon. The patella straps work well. I actually wear one on each of my legs when I run!!!!

2) Osgood-Schlatter's Disease....which probably 80% of you all have is a bone abnormality at the insertion of the patella tendon into the Tibia(shin bone). If you feel the top of your shinjust below the knee cap and feel a bump that is larger than 1/4 of an inch you have Osgood-Schlatter's. Most Ortopods feel that this bump develops from being very physically active as a youth when your bones are still growing. It can be painful but is usually self limited pain.

Hope this helps!!!!

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Not exactly....The patella tendon inserts into the Tibia just above it's growth plate in an area where the bone is slightly soft. If there is frequent tension on the tendon insertion site the bone somewhat hyperthrophys and there is some seperation. Here is a good xray of Osgood-Schlatters.


Again, it is not so much an inflammation as a seperation and hypertrophy due to repeated stress.

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