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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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holder question

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Hi there, I might sell my t'blades holder(280) to a friend who will put them on a 8.5 skate...but his holder are 272mm....Could it still fit?? i don,t whant to screw him...

I know NORMALLY you should use 272 for 272 skate...but i know some brand of skate would say that .5 size are one size holder bigger (i.e 8--are 272 but 8.5 are 280)

and since the skate is not a 8 and a 8.5...do you think it could be too much of a problem??


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It may or may not fit. You can end up having the rivet holes too close to the edges of the sole, assuming it's not hanging over the edges already.

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Hi guys, i went to my LHS...and they said it would be possible...

but i would like ''expert'' confirmation...

My 1152 8E are 272 holder

my 852 8e 2004 are 280 holder

my F10 8.5D are 272mm

I'm going to put my LS2 272 holder on my 852...Would it be okay??...would i feel a difference in term of steel?

Thanks you...!

And how much are you generaly charging for this kind of job?

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