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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Si-cores are so cheap! at sportcheck

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Kinda like gas prices when you think about it. You see a hockey stick for 129.99 (or whatever) it is considered a deal. Let's keep in mind kids...it's a DAMN HOCKEY STICK...for 130 bucks.

In other news...I was glad when I saw gas for $1.09/L today.

What has the world come to?

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Those are closeouts. Easton obsoleted the one-piece Sicore. That is why they look cheap.

The only Sicores you can still buy are the blades for the 2 piece synthesis (an I am not sure how much longer they will make those).

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Thats not cheap.....They had a sale a little while back for 89.99 CDN

They had a "door crasher" sale on them for 129.99 a couple weeks ago, but I don't ever remember them being 89.

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I saw in the paper today that Cyclone Taylor is reopening thier shop in Richmond (the one at Richmond Ice Center)

Anyways the Sicore was on sale $120..

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