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Mission M-1 vs. Nike V-11 Shin Pads

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I find a lot of people on here will be biased toward mission, but I'd say their both good pads for what your looking for. It all depends on how they feel on your legs specifically.

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I've sold a lot of M1s but they don't fit if you have thick legs. I haven't seen the Nikes since the show and can't comment on them one way or the other.

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I have thick legs and had the same problem with the m-1's, they just wouldn't fit. I ended up buying the Nike Pro Stk smu shin gaurds from hockeymonkey which are right between the old v10 and v12, and thos fit me great. Assuming the fit on the v11's hasn't changed I would imagine they would fit thicker legs good as well. I do have the m-1 elbows, and I will say that I like those alot.

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I have thick legs and had the same problem with the m-1's, they just wouldn't fit. I ended up buying the Nike Pro Stk smu shin gaurds from hockeymonkey which are right between the old v10 and v12, and thos fit me great. Assuming the fit on the v11's hasn't changed I would imagine they would fit thicker legs good as well. I do have the m-1 elbows, and I will say that I like those alot.

I bought teh same Nikes and was impressed. I had ccm 1052 prior and teh Nike was a whole new world to me. The comfort, protection, and weight was perfect for me. They felt form fitted right out of the box. the strap below the knee I wasnt sure of at first, but now... wo what a custom fit it makes it feel like to me..

not sure bout the missions...

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I'm a big fan of just about everything mission... I actually don't care for the top strap on the nike shin gaurds. To me, it doens't make sense to have a strap that isn't elastic. I just leave that strap loose and then tap the shins to my legs. I have actually contemplated just cutting the thing off. The pad itself is great though.

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I'm a big fan of just about everything mission... I actually don't care for the top strap on the nike shin gaurds. To me, it doens't make sense to have a strap that isn't elastic. I just leave that strap loose and then tap the shins to my legs. I have actually contemplated just cutting the thing off. The pad itself is great though.

You might like the Itech 660 series shin if you happen to come across one. Most of the guys that find the M1 too narrow like the 660.

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