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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Comedian's name

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Im just wondering if any of you know the name of the comdedian that does the the act with "here's anybody 4 hours into a game of monopoly..." and the Kool-aid guy thing.

Im pretty sure he was the guy snoop dog brought on at the MTV awards but im not positive so help me out please.

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Im just wondering if any of you know the name of the comdedian that does the the act with "here's anybody 4 hours into a game of monopoly..." and the Kool-aid guy thing.

Im pretty sure he was the guy snoop dog brought on at the MTV awards but im not positive so help me out please.

That's Dane Cook. It's from his older CD "Harmful If Swallowed"

EDIT: Sorry, Diddn't see coolnhl5's post :rolleyes:

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