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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adult Leagues in Saskatoon?

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Looks like you have a couple of choices as the ASHL (Adult Safe Hockey League) operates out of both Canlan facilities there. Not sure how it is on the Sask, but in BC the ASHL has lots of teams and when you get to the higher divisions, it's not so safe.



Good luck,


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I've called this ASHL guy (in my area) a few times, he's been slow ot get back to me and the season starts soon. I'm a little weary with this league. They want me to drive 40 minutes out of the way, to sign-up for a league down the street. He also got into a bit of an argument with me about what my name was. Appernalty he mis-heard me on the voice message. Season starts next week, so I need to kick start this.

any reviews on this league from guys?

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This is my first experience in an adult league but registration was very smooth and easy for me. The only problem is that I have to go back to the rink to get a stupid sticker for my helmet.

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I play in the ASHL at Burnaby 8-Rinks in the Vancouver area. Good league. Not always so safe. I've been high sticked alot in the last year. Hey Nate, why don't you just go a little bit early for your first game and pick up your sticker and ID card then. PM me sometime and let me know what the hockey is like in Saskatoon. I lived there for one year, but I didn't play that year.

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Highsticks are brutal. I hope its not super chippy over here. If it gets bad I might have to sport the cage. I'll PM you after a few games to tell you how it goes

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