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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton website

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Has anyone else besides me had trouble registering to the easton website? I've registered at least 10 times and ive never got an email back saying me account was activated. How long does it generally take to be activated?

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Guest phillyfan

I registered quite fast a while ago, some people it takes days, others months.

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It takes me a few hours, I've done it a couple times, even for other people, I dont know why. PM with the information if you want me to try for you. I did it for Cameltaur a few months ago.

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Has anyone else besides me had trouble registering to the easton website? I've registered at least 10 times and ive never got an email back saying me account was activated. How long does it generally take to be activated?

Just like me, I register 2-3 times and they never email me.

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It took me 4 months to get on. I forgot my username and passwrod but oh well. Last year I got the right score for the contest but not the right goal scorer.

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