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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whippiest Int. OPS

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I am in the market for a new stick and I would like to get the whippiest one available for an intermediate. I was thinking about an SL or an XN10, but what are some other suggestions. Also, what is whippier between the SL and XN10.

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Thanks for your replies. The reason why i was asking about the SL is because I've heard of people saying it felt like a 75 flex. What would an int. XN10 be rated on the Easton Scale.

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Im sorry that didnt make sence at all.. a int XN10 would or should have the same flex brand new as a response + inless it was affected by the tapering system (stealth) am i right?

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Im sorry that didnt make sence at all.. a int XN10 would or should have the same flex brand new as a response + inless it was affected by the tapering system (stealth) am i right?

I thought the XN10 sticks were all a little whippier than the standard OPS and shafts.

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if you want a really whippy stick...get the response plus .....since its a TPS im guessing that the xn10 will be just like it......but response plus's are really whippy too.

i said "since its a TPS its prob. gonna be the same as the XN10" i was just suggesting another stick that i recomend.

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