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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flexlite 12 Baking Time/Temp

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I just got some Flexlite 12's. The LHS I work at doesn't carry these at this point so I don't know a whole lot about these skates (other than what I read here). I want to bake my skates, but I don't know what the manufactures recomended Time & Temp are for Flexlite 12's. No one at the shop is sure, but some said it might be the same as Vapors. Can some one help? We use a Bauer Convection Oven with a Max temp of 200F.

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when i had my first pair of F10..baked they felt a bit better...

but the second pair wasnt baked...and it might took 30min of playing to adjust compared to the one baked...

but i head baking a skate may break down the durabilitty so that why i didn't bake them!

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Sorry to sound stupid...but what mean retire?? if you talk about break in...

as 2 of us said...it took me around 1 hours to break them...they are so confortable...and with a good profile...they are way to go for the first game!!!THUM UP to Nike for their gameready fit!

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I think by "retire", he means "use until their stiffness breaks down". Flexlites are supposedly short-lived with respect to keeping their stiffness.

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Do any of you guys notice the tip of the carbon outsole chipping? Im talking about the tip near the toe box. For some reasome mine has started to pull apart from the toe box.

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