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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks of Fury

CCM E-Pro blade runner: fit on Prolite 3 holders?

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Yea, that's the beauty of CCM steel, works on almost all their models, unlike other brands who seem to change their steel every year and not interchangable.

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I got a 2005 692 Tacks, obviously with a E-Pro Holder, but i can get a Prolite 3 Holder for very cheap, so should it stay with the E-Pro or should i get the Prolite 3 under my Tacks ?

Do i have to drill new holes ?


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I got a 2005 692 Tacks, obviously with a E-Pro Holder, but i can get a Prolite 3 Holder for very cheap, so should it stay with the E-Pro or should i get the Prolite 3 under my Tacks ?

Do i have to drill new holes ?


stay with the E that comes with the 692's.

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May i ask you to explain why ?

Why take off perfectly good holders that have been improved over discontinued holders, and redrill the boot, and pay more money? All for what? You will gain nothing. The Prolite was a good holder but the E is stronger, doesn't collect snow, looks better, and a host of other reasons. Please tell me why you think you need to do this?

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Okay, the drilling is a factor which makes me not doing it.

If there was no drilling required, i would try it.

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