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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shin pad question

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alright boys im 6'0 tall, maybe a bit more and i use 16" jofa shinnies 8040s i think oir 8060 (the model that was one below that year.) anyways i put them over the tongues, but i want to try and tuck it. so i tried to tuck these under the tongues, i looked liek a rec skater. i was wondering, since we have to order them, should i go 14 or 15. i dont want the shinpads digging in, but i want the tongue down, not pavel bure style, but like fedorov.

thanks boys

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chadd, id say 2nd-3rd eyelet on my xxs

****1000th post!!!****

As long as they don't make contact with the top of your foot when you stride, one inch shorter should be fine. If they do "bottom out" on the top of your footm then I would go two inches shorter. I'm 6-1, tuck my shins behind the tongue and wear CCM 852 15s. From the ground (barefoot) to the middle of my kneecap is about 19 inches, from the ankle it's about 15. Those measurements are while seated and only estimates.

Hopefully that helps, if not I'm sorry.

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I recently went from tucking them into my skates to putting it over my tounge, and I had to go up one inch to get a similar fit. I'm about 5-10 and went from 14 inch to 15 inch.

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I'm looking to get some new shins and rather make a new post I thought I'd join this one. I'm 6'1 and my shins right now are 16'' and they go to about the top of my skate by the top lacelet. My 16'' pads feel fine. Should I go for a 17" pad or stick with the 16s? or is it just personal preference.


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