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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wilpower Pucks

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hey guys, have any of you had experience using this product or know anybody who has, let me know what you think on this product, seems pretty interesting, but 10-20 mph increase, thats a bit hard to believe Wilpower Pucks

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Not sure, but I bet you need a perfectly smooth surface to use these. Otherwise the steel puck will never stay on its flat side but flop around like most roller hockey pucks on not-perfectly-smooth-surfaces.

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I don't know if it would flop around much.....seems to me that the extra weight of the steel puck would keep it from doing that.

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hey guys, have any of you had experience using this product or know anybody who has, let me know what you think on this product, seems pretty interesting, but 10-20 mph increase, thats a bit hard to believe Wilpower Pucks

your shot won't exceep 10-20MPH in one session of training, but after a summer of shooting pucks(even regular pucks), your shot(wrist,snap, and slap) will improve of at least 8-10MPH. It's important to also shoot regular pucks for your accuracy, not just heavier pucks.

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your shot(wrist,snap, and slap) will improve of at least 8-10MPH. It's important to also shoot regular pucks for your accuracy, not just heavier pucks.

I don't think you can even make that claim. Using a 30 year old for an example; At 10 years old, he could shoot 10 MPH, so now everyday for the past 20 years he's used this and regular pucks. Your telling me he shoots 170 MPH now? Obviously not. Using these tools, as well as normal pucks, will help your shooting. There are no set numbers, but practicing the proper form and working on what you need to will help.

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ive been using that sorta thing for years, although...we just talked to a blacksmith (if thats what they're stilll called) and he got us five of that kind of puck...just five pound steel pucks. and we cant use it on the ice because it will dent boards, but we just pass or stickhandle in the garages (smooth surface) and it really improves your stickhandling, the puck feels so light...then when i go to a roller game, that puck feels like its not even on my stick its so light.

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your shot(wrist,snap, and slap) will improve of at least 8-10MPH. It's important to also shoot regular pucks for your accuracy, not just heavier pucks.

I don't think you can even make that claim. Using a 30 year old for an example; At 10 years old, he could shoot 10 MPH, so now everyday for the past 20 years he's used this and regular pucks. Your telling me he shoots 170 MPH now? Obviously not. Using these tools, as well as normal pucks, will help your shooting. There are no set numbers, but practicing the proper form and working on what you need to will help.

you are right, but in the first 2-3 years , he will get his 8MPH per year, after that it's sure he won't do that, maybe a 2-3max MPH per one or two year. I take my brother as an example.

Last year,

Wrist shot Maximum speed: 54MPH

Slap maximum speed: 82MPH

This year at the beginning of the summer,

Wrist shot Max: 66MPH

Slapshot: 88MPH.

He just did 90MPH two weeks ago.

He won't go up to 170 MPH like you said, but if he gains 1-2 MPH per year in the slapshot, he will be close to the 100MPH.

and cantor22 ask if it was good and if it would improve of 10-20MPH. Yes it will improve alot in the first few years.

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