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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Also what is Canadian Sizing like?

its not canadian sizing. that means they are canadian made gloves. the 4500 and 5500 are the pro models that were made in the montreal area.

kovy... what type of dr pro gloves are you looking for? you have a pic of which model you are trying to find?

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Prenny, this one.

kovy, the nylon version is only made for pro, so unless you find a pro return pair, they are tough to come across. if you like that style... the leather version is available just like that. that glove is like the 4500 model. if you can find one, i would recommend the hg 5000 (new for this year). great feeling glove. where do you live... i might be able to help you locate a pair.

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Is it 30 min away?

Damn - I'm planning to go to MTL - already gonna get set up with a CCM factory tour - wanted to do BNHs as well...

BNH is in St-Jérome. Tell me when you will be around here.

Edit: yeah about 30-40 minutes without much traffic and when you know where to go. From MTL, you take the 15 North and you will arrive. If you need a place to sleep, I got a free room that you could take in the house. :) PM me if you need anything or if you need a driving instructions and such.

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