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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hyper Unity

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These wheels came with my buddys new Bauer skates, and he uses rink rats, so he let me use them.

after only 3 games or so, I'm experiencing some major wear to the wheel. You can clearly see where the the urethane goes from smooth to a rough, sifted look. No chunking, just looks like the wheel lost a couple of millimetersof material. Gone is the smooth grippy finish.

Anyone else have experience with this wheel? The Hyper site claims this is their high end wheel, and retails for 8.50 a wheel. I find this a bit hard to believe.

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trinity is the top end wheel.....

Nonetheless, any wheel that retails for 8.50 (even though you can buy them some places for 4 bucks) should be a quality wheel. Just wondering what everyone else has seen with these.

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I had them a year or two ago. I didn't like them because of the profile. The ones I had came with a flat profile (think skateboad wheels) and I couldn't get a good grip with them. No "edge" so to speak.

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