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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL Schedule on OLN

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I'm really digging that schedule.

Much better coverage of all the teams than ESPN ever did. ESPN seemed to only cover games that had Detroit or Colorado. The Avs don' get an OLN game until 12/20!

Could you ever imagine a regular season Thrashers vs. Sharks (12/6), Ducks vs Kings (1/23), or Islanders vs. Caps game (3/6) being televised on ESPN? My God, they are covering 6 Minnesota games!

My only complaint would be the lack of coverage of Canadian teams. 1 Calgary, 0 Edmonton, 2 Montreal, 1 Vancover, 0 Toronto, 0 Ottawa.

I won't complain too much, that's wht I have Center Ice (just got the bill yesterday :o )

I'll patronize alot of the OLN games just to show my support.

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