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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 130 Stick

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Search around as there used to be a lot of threads covering this one, but in general, when they first came out they had some technical problems with them (I think it was the blade?). They gave everyone a replacement stick (a 110 or 120) until the problem was fixed and, as I recall, sent them a 130 in addition once the problem was fixed.

I can't seem to recall much past that, except people were still a bit turned off that they were covered by stickers like the 120 (instead of painting or shelacking over the graphics).

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Yes, I think I recall complaints with the blade. Basically the blade chipped, cracked, or turned to butter quite easily.

I never understood why CCM put exposed decals on their sticks. After 1 game, they are all shredded.

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Cheers for the replies.

I'm gonna try the 130 shaft with an Inno Kovalev Blade and see how I get with it.

The stickers peeling shouldn't be a problem cos I always wrap the shaft with tape any way.

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