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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL Central scouting states in their fitness assesment report that NHL prospects can do the following:


Body Composition

Height (ft:in) 6:3.2 5:8.5 6:6.5

Weight (lb) 192 156 244

Sum of 6 Skinfolds (mm) 61 34.1 116.9

Yuhasz % Body Fat 9.4 6.7 15.0

Musculoskeletal Fitness

Sit & Reach (cm) 36 10.5 61.0

Curl-Ups (max consecutive #) 22 0 65

Push-Ups (max consecutive #) 26 14 42

Push-Ups x Body Weight (lb) 4145 2751 8330

Vertical Jump (in) 25 19 36

Leg Power (ft-lb/sec) 1111 791 1556

Standing Long Jump (in) 102 76 119

Hand Grip (lb) 132 81 183

Bench Press - 150 lb (#) 5 0 20

Bench Press (lb/lb body wt) 7.4 0 15.1

Push Strength (lb) 295 147 553

Pull Strength (lb) 251 103 329

Anaerobic Fitness

Peak Power Output (Watts) * 928 642 1172

Peak Power Output (Watts/kg) 10.5 6.7 13.7

Mean Power Output (Watts) * 720 521 10.8

Mean Power Output (Watts/kg) 8.3 5.6 10.0

Fatigue Index - Drop off from Peak (%) 4.3 24 55

Aerobic Fitness

VO2max (liters • min-1) * 5.0 3.73 6.21

VO2max (ml • kg-1 • min-1) 56.5 44.9 70.0

"E. Push-ups: Push-ups are performed at a rate of 25 per minute in time with the metronome (set the metronome at 50 so that each click signals a movement either up or down)." Average # is 26.

I think I know who that body fat might have been. ;)

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Pull ups for 15YO- Low= 3, Avg= 6, High= 12

Standing long jump for 15 YO (50th percentile) = 206 CM

Situps- Low= 30 and below, 30-50, high= 50+

Push ups-under 20, AVG 20-40, over 40

Half mile run (800m) 15 YO 50th percentile= 5:30

That's an awfully high time for 800 meters. Our team(all 15 year olds) does 1600 meters(1 mile) at our dryland, and the times range from 5:13 to 6:54.

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I know hockeyman...I used to be able to do the mile in 5:40, so those kind of shocked me. Even 90th% is 5:10. Has to be a print error and they are describing something close to a mile. It really has to be, because their times for a 15 YO on the 400 M (Quarter mile) is 65 seconds, which is an easy 3 minutes for the 800m.


1/2 mile (or god knows) 50%= 5:05

55 yard dash= 6.3, 6.7, 7.1

400m 50%= 62 secs

Pullups- 5,7,13

standing long jump 50%= 223

Pushups= Same as 15YO

Situps= Same as 15YO

Wow, i own those stats :lol:

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I know hockeyman...I used to be able to do the mile in 5:40, so those kind of shocked me. Even 90th% is 5:10. Has to be a print error and they are describing something close to a mile. It really has to be, because their times for a 15 YO on the 400 M (Quarter mile) is 65 seconds, which is an easy 3 minutes for the 800m.

yea im 15 and i run cross country and i got a quater mile in 69 seconds.

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NHL Central scouting states in their fitness assesment report that NHL prospects can do the following:


Body Composition

Height (ft:in) 6:3.2 5:8.5 6:6.5

Weight (lb) 192 156 244

Sum of 6 Skinfolds (mm) 61 34.1 116.9

Yuhasz % Body Fat 9.4 6.7 15.0

Musculoskeletal Fitness

Sit & Reach (cm) 36 10.5 61.0

Curl-Ups (max consecutive #) 22 0 65

Push-Ups (max consecutive #) 26 14 42

Push-Ups x Body Weight (lb) 4145 2751 8330

Vertical Jump (in) 25 19 36

Leg Power (ft-lb/sec) 1111 791 1556

Standing Long Jump (in) 102 76 119

Hand Grip (lb) 132 81 183

Bench Press - 150 lb (#) 5 0 20

Bench Press (lb/lb body wt) 7.4 0 15.1

Push Strength (lb) 295 147 553

Pull Strength (lb) 251 103 329

Anaerobic Fitness

Peak Power Output (Watts) * 928 642 1172

Peak Power Output (Watts/kg) 10.5 6.7 13.7

Mean Power Output (Watts) * 720 521 10.8

Mean Power Output (Watts/kg) 8.3 5.6 10.0

Fatigue Index - Drop off from Peak (%) 4.3 24 55

Aerobic Fitness

VO2max (liters • min-1) * 5.0 3.73 6.21

VO2max (ml • kg-1 • min-1) 56.5 44.9 70.0

"E. Push-ups: Push-ups are performed at a rate of 25 per minute in time with the metronome (set the metronome at 50 so that each click signals a movement either up or down)."  Average # is 26.

I think I know who that body fat might have been. ;)

Care to enlighten us? These are the rookies and prospects, so I don't think tkachunky counts.

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