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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do Vapor XXXs fit the same as Vapor XXs?

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I have heard that the XXX's are a little bit wider.

And do v-12's fit the same as flexlite 12's? are flexlite 12's lighter than v-12's?

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I've heard the fit on the Vapor XXX's is wider but beware because I've also heard Bauer/Nike still haven't addressed the durability problem with them.

As far as the Flexlite 12 is concerned I believe the fit is still very similar to the older V-12 although the toe area is a little squarer than the V-12. In my opinion the Flexlite 12 is probably a better buy because at least you'll get some durability to them as opposed to the Vapor XXX's. ;)

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XX and XXX feel about the same to me except the XXX arch is a bit higher. As for F-12s, yes they do fit differently than the V12s.

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Edge, how differently do the FL-12's fit? Width? Tightness? etc.

Should I contact a Hindu Holyman to have them blessed for a perfect fit??? ;)

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