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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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getting a cage to stick out off your chin

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I had to go back to a cage this year and I'm having some serious problems adjusting to it. The thing thats bothering me the most is the chin cup being in the way when i looke down at my feet. My cage is already pretty big for me (I have all size options for cages available too me if the size of the cage is a factor) and I'm wondering how i get the cage to stay off my chin, like most guys in college wear. If you don't know what i mean go to modsquads nhl gallery under college and look at the first pic of kessel. Thanks in advance.

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You may be able to lower the J-clips down on the side of your helmet - on most j-clips there are three or four holes to fit to two holes on the side of the helmet. By mounting the j-clips as low as possible you'll get the cage to stick out a little more.

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good idea, thanks, is there anyway to get to hold in place so its not constantly slamming your chin?

Go to the largest size cage and make sure the screw goes through the clip above the top bar at the forehead attachment point. Mounting the J clips as low as possible should help stop it from banging into your chin.

Obviously this is not the safest way to wear your equipment and could result in injury. I am only answering your question and do not suggest actually playing with your cage this way. Ok, that should cover my ass. B)

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Thanks Chadd and Vgold(kidding) ygold. Works better now, it's still hitting my chin, I even drilled an extra hole in my j clips so they could down lower. Does your cage still hit your face ygold?

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