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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hi, I've been playing hockey for almost 2 year now, be getting a new pair of skates....current wearing CCM Externo 60 size 9 E...might be buying back CCM Skates but which model is recommended? thought of gettin either CCM 2005 PRO TACK or CCM VECTOR PRO....but which model is more durable, last longer, and provide better support and comfort??...to those who are wearing PRO TACK AND VECTOR PRO, Do give some comment and pro and cons bout the skates...thx..help appreciated...

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From what I've gathered, the Vectors have had some durability issues. I've been skating in Tacks all my life, soon to make a switch to a different skate, but IMO the Tacks have always been a great all around hockey skate.

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Yeah, i heard of some issue bout the eyelet that wears out fast...some said due to the stiffness of the skate...

Eyelet problems are not widespread. Most top eyelet problems are created by tying the skate too TIGHT during the heat molding process when the material is very soft and pliable. If done correctly the eyelets will hold as designed.

The Vector pros durability is very good compared to many other models. The new Pro tack is an awesome skate.

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thx for all the advice guys..is anyone using a pair of 2005 PRO TACKS or VECTOR PRO ?, do give some comment..coz its very hard for me to get skates here in my country...i have to order them thru a fren...so i'm trying my very best not to get the 1 that is not my liking...so to all SIFU's out there...do help me...i'm in dilemma...haha :lol:

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There is a couple of reviews here on the Vector Pro's. Don't know if they are the 2005 model, but I don't think that CCM changed anything in the Vector line.


nope ccm kept the vector runing the same, if you want something that fits like vector but abit more durable try on the rbk, thats a very nice skate. im skating in a pair right now and it was a very easy break in

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Go with Tacks. Tried and true and they've stood the test of time. No quality or durability issues. ;)

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There is a couple of reviews here on the Vector Pro's. Don't know if they are the 2005 model, but I don't think that CCM changed anything in the Vector line.


nope ccm kept the vector runing the same, if you want something that fits like vector but abit more durable try on the rbk, thats a very nice skate. im skating in a pair right now and it was a very easy break in

a fren of mine whos a distributor said that rbk skates might not be as good as it is still new in the market....but i have no idea...

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