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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kor Shift 1 Price?

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for those in the states if you goto thehockeyshop.com it looks like the Kor Shift 1's are really underpriced? I think they go for $699 CDN but they appear to be $399US. Im not sure if thats correct price or just a crazy deal. Just giving the heads up

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Actually, that about normal what you can expect from a internet site. Remember, price does not include fitting, sharpening, heat molding, or service, things you get free with the price of skates at the LHS. I think most LHS's are selling them under $450 US, so a $50 difference is reasonable, they are not underpriced.

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You're going to lose most of that savings when you have them sharpened and you have to have them baked.

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Do they have any special oven that they need to go in to?

Every skate that has been heat moldable up to this point, has been able to be skated on without being baked. What I have accepted as knowledge is that baking is a process that was designed to speed up the break in period on a new pair of skates. I don't bake my skates anymore because I don't want to jeopradise the durability.

What makes these skates different than any other skates that can be baked?

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Kors have to be molded for fit, it's more than just to reduce break-in. Other brands molding is really optional. korhockey.com

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They are a composite boot. The odds of the skate fitting anywhere close to correct without baking are slim at best. Because of the nature of the composite boot, they don't really break in without baking.

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ok so this is what i've gathered:

You NEED to bake the kor shift 1 skates.

You CANNOT bake the easton synergy 1300c skate.

They are both composite skates, therefor the composite material should not be what is being molded in the heating process, right?

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ok so this is what i've gathered:

You NEED to bake the kor shift 1 skates.

You CANNOT bake the easton synergy 1300c skate.

They are both composite skates, therefor the composite material should not be what is being molded in the heating process, right?

They are constructed using different methods and use different types of composite materials. In the Kor you do mold the composite material.

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do you by chance know what the difference is between the material in the kor skates compared with the synergys? when i think if composite, i think strong, light and rigid.

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ok so this is what i've They are both composite skates, therefor the composite material should not be what is being molded in the heating process, right?

They are constructed using different methods and use different types of composite materials. In the Kor you do mold the composite material.

I think this is one reason we'll likely see Kor outselling Easton in the future. A true custom fit composite vs. one that it not.

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have both of you guys placed orders with kor? if so how do you like the skates? are they light? stiff? do they have a unique baking process, or is it just the old throw them in the oven type deal?

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do you by chance know what the difference is between the material in the kor skates compared with the synergys? when i think if composite, i think strong, light and rigid.

Composite is a very general term meaning "made up of distinct components; compound". As such the formulas and ratios used can (and do) vary from one manufacturer to another. Plus, I'm not smart enough to be able to tell one from another just by looking at the skates.

I would suggest looking at the literature from Kor, I'm sure they will do a better job than I at showing how their boot is different.

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have both of you guys placed orders with kor? if so how do you like the skates? are they light? stiff? do they have a unique baking process, or is it just the old throw them in the oven type deal?

I skate in them.

You need to bake them much longer than any other skate currently on the market.

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have both of you guys placed orders with kor? if so how do you like the skates? are they light? stiff? do they have a unique baking process, or is it just the old throw them in the oven type deal?

Do a search, Marcello posted a good review of the molding process. It's more detailed than just 2 minutes in the skate oven.

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have both of you guys placed orders with kor? if so how do you like the skates? are they light? stiff? do they have a unique baking process, or is it just the old throw them in the oven type deal?

I skate in them.

You need to bake them much longer than any other skate currently on the market.

What are your thoughts so far? Worth it?

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The performance is great but I'm having an issue with one little spot that is causing me some discomfort.

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The performance is great but I'm having an issue with one little spot that is causing me some discomfort.

Do they feel really different from other skates on the market? How's the turning? In the clip on their site they make it look like there's a major difference.

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The performance is great but I'm having an issue with one little spot that is causing me some discomfort.

Do they feel really different from other skates on the market? How's the turning? In the clip on their site they make it look like there's a major difference.

The turning is amazing, I can corner harder and at a higher speed than any other skate I've used. It just isn't as comfortable for me because of a pressure point that I haven't been able to resolve.

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The performance is great but I'm having an issue with one little spot that is causing me some discomfort.

Do they feel really different from other skates on the market? How's the turning? In the clip on their site they make it look like there's a major difference.

The turning is amazing, I can corner harder and at a higher speed than any other skate I've used. It just isn't as comfortable for me because of a pressure point that I haven't been able to resolve.

Hmm....have you talked to KOR? Hopefully they can help you out with that.

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I have spoken with the sales manager and he has been very helpful. So far his suggestions haven't helped. I'm going to try a few more "radical" solutions.

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