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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chara's stick

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Yeah I never understood that. Im guessing it has something to do with marketing. Im guessing the companies want some form of item/brand recognition. Even though Cyclones aren't a popular item on NHL ice, they are still available in stores and they want some players to be using them.

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Where does st.louis's stick go to? (his nose etc)

probably his forehead, or even higher, judging from how long it looks when he skates. i used a really long stick once, it's pretty fun to dangle with because you get more angle with it, but since i played defence, it was pretty brutal getting pucks from the boards and stuff. maybe i'm just not as skilled as st. louis is :P

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its supposed to be easier to dangle with a small stick, you can keep the puck close without the stick hitting your chest or getting in an awkward situation.

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its supposed to be easier to dangle with a small stick, you can keep the puck close without the stick hitting your chest or getting in an awkward situation.

this was back in house league, and most of the kids tended to follow the puck, so it was really easy to drag the puck around to fool them.

does anyone know what the lie on st. louis' stick would be?

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