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Where to buy or info on "Warrior" sticks

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Anyone know where to buy or find more info on "Warrior" sticks?

Just saw that pic of Shanahan using one.

If he's switch over to it and they have a "Shanahan" blade pattern that is equal to the Easton Shanny,....I gotta get one!!

Anyone know?? PLEASE =!)

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Thanks again Chadd. =)

I saw that but I haven't been able to find ANY info on the sticks.

Not yet available I'm assuming but I'd like to know when and what they are offering ya know?

Seems lame they don't have a website up yet or any info on the Inno site.

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“As we move into the hockey arena, we plan to capitalize upon our strengths of limited retail distribution and a strong performance heritage.â€

They're still going to be hard to find with the exception of a few dealers.

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Why is that, Chadd? I mean, you'd think they would want to have mass rocognition at the store/retail level. Yet, Inno has always been hard to find. Is that because of poor distribution channels, or is it done on purpose. Kinda like, they want a mystique surrounding the Inno label, so the less people see it, the more they will want it and want to pay top dollar for it?

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Why is that, Chadd? I mean, you'd think they would want to have mass rocognition at the store/retail level. Yet, Inno has always been hard to find. Is that because of poor distribution channels, or is it done on purpose. Kinda like, they want a mystique surrounding the Inno label, so the less people see it, the more they will want it and want to pay top dollar for it?

From what I have seen, they do a lot of production for other brands and don't have the production capability to really turn out a lot of their own product. Because of that, they would prefer to send the limited supply to a small number of dealers who each purchase large amounts.

Think of it this way;

If you had one thousand sticks to sell, would you rather deal with 10 shops who each bought 100 or 100 shops who each bought 10? Dealing with only 10 shops makes your workload easier. I'll be interested to see if they increase prices if the demand for the sticks suddenly increases.

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Ahh, that makes alot of sense actually. Good way to put it.

Does a company, like Inno, make more money producing sticks for someone else, or would they actually make more money producing and selling their own product?

I would assume the small operation like Inno probably makes a better buck making othe people's stuff cuz then they don't have to handle advertising, marketing, distribution, sales, etc. They just make the stick and look the other way once it's shipped to Bauer.

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Does a company, like Inno, make more money producing sticks for someone else, or would they actually make more money producing and selling their own product?

I would assume the small operation like Inno probably makes a better buck making othe people's stuff cuz then they don't have to handle advertising, marketing, distribution, sales, etc. They just make the stick and look the other way once it's shipped to Bauer.

That could be a tough one to measure because the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) still has to advertise for its own sales, so it's difficult to measure the "savings" in the OEM channel. Based on my experience in corporate sales, OEM sales easily had the lowest margins, so the savings would have to be significant to make up for the lost revenue.

For those who don't know what an OEM is, it's a company that makes a product for a second company and places the second company's logo on the product. Most Kenmore products at Sears are made by OEM's.

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Innovative hockey has been bought by warrior which will now be called warrior hockey(it's like inno)

Guys, any ideas if they will do new balance stick or just warrior.


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