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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX Lite

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I was at a dryland session today at a local rink. It happend to be game night for another team in the league. Bauer minions where there handing out bottles and gatorade powder. One rep was holding the Vapor XXX Lite stick and let me and a teammate hold the stick and fool around with it a bit. They did a Kovy and Samsonov style video asking our reactions on the stick.

All i can say is WOW.

I hate the Vapor XXX, but this thing is unbelievable. The balance, the weight is pefect. The stickum grip is nice. The bauer rep denied ther fact that it was concave, but it did not feel bulky in my hands like most bauer sticks. The paint job is sicl. White to greyish black fading like Vapor XX Stick-um(different colors) and a limeish type green for the XXX.

This is the first bauer stick ive been impressed with in a while.

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i'm really looking forward a XXX or XXX lite if i can be use to the lindros curve... what was the video by the way??

and do the grip was like the endure or a reg vapor stick?

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It was just the bauer guy asking me and my teamates opinions while we were holding the stick.

It was stick-um grip, so think Vapor XX Stick-Um Grip.

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I'm not sure if you guys feel the same way about the stick as i do, but imo the current Vapor XXX felt thick and heavy. It seemed like a brick in my hand, this definatly didn't.

Does anyone know the release date for the stick?

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