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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fury Hockey Pants

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I like my Nike Quest 2 hockey pants and wasn't planning on getting new pants, but I was at a store the other day and saw Fury Hockey pants on clearout for a good price, but I've never really heard of them. The regular price was like $170 Canadian and they were selling for like half that. The model number is 2007. Has anyone tried these pants before and if so what are your thoughts?

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They're nice pants, we've sold a few pair of them. All of the guys who bought them really like them. I like the hinged thigh pad, much like the thigh pad in the Tackla 9000. That price has to be very close to, if not below dealer cost in CDN.

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Thanks for the feedback Chadd. I may go there and see if they have my size. When I was there the other day they only had a couple left so I may be out of luck anyway.

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