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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS XN10 whip flex

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I'm wondering if the TPS whip flex is very different from an int. I would really like to try an int XN10 but can't find one on with a really good price. But I did fid a whip for a really good price so it would be great if you guys could give me information like if the flex is actually like an easton 75 and if it will be bigger in my hands.

thanks in advance.

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ive had whip and int flex red lites, and the int was whippy but good back then for me id say it was around 65 flex, i have a whip red lite now and its extramly whippy about 75 id say.

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I did I'm just wondering if its closer to 75 or 80 because 80 is probably to stiff.

Shafts are rarely an exact match on the flex, there is an acceptable range for any given flex.

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Thanks for the help guys! But does anybody have any comments on how much bigger the shaft would be in my hands. thanks

TPS int shafts are rounded while the seniors are concave on the front and the back.

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