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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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this just sucks soo much

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i just broke my guitar string, G, right at the top of the neck...

i titened the string too much.. and it broke... this sucks soo much..

i bought it at tom lee's, does anyone know if im likely enough to get a warrenty on it?

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When I was playing regularly, I used to go through a set every week or so. DR strings are fantastic and I liked the old Dean Markley Blue Steel as well.

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thatll happen when you tune it up too fast, you gotta do it slow. Get some Elixirs if theyre still made, ive never owned a better set of strings

the ones on my guitars were godin strings that gave the seagull acustic a low sound. now the new string is a cheap 1 dollar one from tom lee and it sounds jsut like any other guitar...

these elixirs your talking about, how do they sound and compare to other brands like godin?


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I was always a fan of the ernie ball slinkys for electric and dean markley for my acoustic. It depends on the shop and your relationship with them, some shops my throw you a bone but I wouldn't expect it because user error is normally not covered by warantee.

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