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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sizing comparison-Grafs and Vapor xxx's

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Hey fellas! Once again happy thanksgiving to all of us Canadians.

I am extremely interested in getting a new pair of skates, my 735's are on their last legs, they are quite soft, broken down, and also contain an extremely pungent odour. I am looking into getting a pair of vapor xxx's, but i have a few questions.

1) I skate in a 8.5 regular 735, what size should i ask for when i try on a pair of vapor xxx's..

2) Is the weight difference noteable between the two skates? I've heard great things about the weight of vapor xxx's yet i've never held a pair in my hands yet,

any opinions?

Thanks again guys.

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I was wearing a 7W in Graf G35’s and now wear a 7EE in the Vapor 30’s. The biggest difference in the weight to me was the fact that the Graf’s soaked up sweat like a sponge. I don’t think the liners have ever completely dried. The 30’s liner is nice.

There are a few reviews on the Vapor 30's in the review section.

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I don’t think the liners have ever completely dried.

...There were times, when I was skating in the G-35s, that I completely forgot what it was like to skate in dry boots. More often than not, I had puddles (literally moving, splashing PUDDLES) of sweat caught under my feet and between my toes.

That liner was the absolute worst. The skates took on so much water-weight, it felt like I was skating with concrete blocks tied to my feet.

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