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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curving A Blade

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I have a wooden blade that i dont really use anymore, So im wanting to try to heat it up and curve it make a wierd curve. I was able to move it a bit but not a whole lot. So whats the best way to go about doing this? Its a Easton blade.

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When i was re-curving a blade i put it in a shaft, put it over the stove/heat gun, waited on till it was as hot as a stove and then put it under my foot and pulled the shaft towards me(i like curves with a lot of loft), keep it there for about 15-20 mins then let it cool.

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My problems... I dont think i was heating it enough, and second was only using my hands to do it. I best try some of these.

How long should i put the heat to it for?

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you just have to hold it in the heat until it is moldable, all blades are going to have a different bending point so you just have to guess as you go along

if it moves, your good, if not, put it back on the heat

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make sure the dont heat it too much or the fiberglass wrap might come off.

when i re-curve my blades i usalley heat them up and up them in a vice and them twist to make it the way i want.

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I heat where it'll be curved/have loft added, then torque it under a door and hold it for a bit. Then I just dump it in a bucket of cold/ice water and I'm done.

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Well whenever I do it I heat the blade where I want to curve it untill the fiberglass just starts to turn brown, then I use my foot to curve it, then I always have a hose near by because I do it in my garage, and I spray down the blade while I'm curving it with cold water. I always try to curve new or almost new blades, because if you try it with an old beat up blade it just breaks instead of curving or the fiberglass totally comes off the blade.

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