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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 5K shaft - intermediate

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can i fit senior blades in the RBK 5k intermediate shaft?

I am used to eastons 85 flex, but the 5K only come in regular / 40KP / easton 100 flex ..

But the 5K INT. shaft is 35KP (that is around 85 in easton flex, right?) and has the same length (51") as a easton senior shaft (with end-plug!).

Are there other differences between the 5K senior and intermediate? shaft shape maybe?

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can i fit senior blades in the RBK 5k intermediate shaft?

I am used to eastons 85 flex, but the 5K only come in regular / 40KP / easton 100 flex ..

But the 5K INT. shaft is 35KP (that is around 85 in easton flex, right?) and has the same length (51") as a easton senior shaft (with end-plug!).

Are there other differences between the 5K senior and intermediate? shaft shape maybe?

The 35KP is around an 80 flex and the 40KP is around a 90 flex. The equivalent to an easton 100 flex would be a 45KP rating.

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thanks for reply!

i found that list in an older thread .. but you would say 35kp feels more like 80 and 40kp like 90?

50KP/X-stiff = roughly 125 pro flex

45KP/Stiff = roughly 110

40KP/Regular = roughly 100

35KP/Mid = roughly 85

30KP/Light = even softer flex

20KP/Junior = junior flex

And do you know if a senior blade will fit into the intermediate 5K?

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I think the 35KP feels somewhat close to 75-80 flex and that the 40KP feels around 90-95 flex.

Just my personal opionion but I think you could probably use the 40KP without that much difficulty even if you are used to 85 flex.

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