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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hespeler F4 Weight pattern

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any one got a pic of the hespeler F4 weight pattern?

if i remember it correctly, had a slight heel curve then a slight toe curve, and was a 6 lie?


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From that pic, the Gonchar looks more like a Sakic than the Mogilny does, to me. But I know everyone agrees the Mogo is the Sakic clone.

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From that pic, the Gonchar looks more like a Sakic than the Mogilny does, to me. But I know everyone agrees the Mogo is the Sakic clone.

It is the most screwed up curve I've ever seen on a retail stick. Probably most like a Hull pro but still not even close to that.

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The RH model is like bloody straight, what the heck??

No it's not. I owned one at one point and it's not remotely straight.

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