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Power Lung

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I came across a product called the Power Lung which claims to train your breathing muscles that you use when you inhale and exhale and it says that it increases your endurance and aerobic capacity.

When i'm in a hockey game, about half way through the second period I am just so tired, it's not that my body is tired but aerobically i'm very tired, as in breathing and whatnot to the point where i'm gasping for air.

Endurance is a huge problem for me, I run 3 times a week to hopefully improve my endurance and when i'm running, right around the 2.5 mile mark I am just done and can hardly breathe but my legs aren't even tired, and all throughout my runs I have a hard time controlling my breathing.

Will the "Power Lung" help me?

I actually found this when reading an article about Navy SEAL BUD/S training and things people do to prepare, so I assume it's a quality product but I don't know.

Go look at their website and let me know if you think it's worth the $90 price tag and will produce significant results... http://powerlung.com/us/index.htm and they've got a page specifically for hockey... http://powerlung.com/us/page/hockey.htm

What do you guys think, will it help me?

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Will the power lung do everything it says on the site? Yes and no... It will help with your breathing, but the harder shots and whatever likely won't be noticable until you're playing the third period like it's the first or second.

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Well the harder shots thing i'm not concerned about, that's just fancy marketing talk.

All i'm in is if it will increase my endurance so I don't feel like throwing up and gasping for air after each shift from the 2nd period on.

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It could possibly work.

My dad was bedridden years ago with cancer. A big concern was the atrophy of the patient's lungs (and heart, I guess), so they had the patients use a device that I think was called a "blow tube." Basically, it was two 32 ounce plastic bottles, one of which was full with water, and surgical tubing between them. The patient could either blow into the tube or suck from the tube, but the object was to move the water from one bottle to the other.

It wasn't easy, because my memory is it was about 20 to 30 seconds of blowing. But it was meant to exercise the lungs of someone who couldn't get up to run. After visiting the website for the Power Lung, it seems like the concept is similar.

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If it really works and I get significant results I have no problem with the money, but I don't want to buy it and be stuck with a worthless $90 plastic tube. Think it's worth it?

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Whoa, I didn't look at the price! :lol:

I have no idea how much it costs them to make the product, but I don't see $90 of value there. Just as you can exercise without weights, you could replicate the inhale/exhale movement.

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