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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove question

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how do the mission M-1's or M-2's compare to the oakley mace gloves size wise.

and any opinions on these gloves would be well appreshaited


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The stretchy fabric holding the palms of the fingers to the back padding (sorry for lack of proper terminology) on my M-1 Pro's felt wierd and put a lot of pressure on the side of my index fingers till I stretched it, and I really didn't like the way the linter felt on them. They're a fairly loose fitting glove, so I don't know how that compares to the Oakley's.

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The stretchy fabric holding the palms of the fingers to the back padding (sorry for lack of proper terminology) on my M-1 Pro's felt wierd and put a lot of pressure on the side of my index fingers till I stretched it, and I really didn't like the way the linter felt on them. They're a fairly loose fitting glove, so I don't know how that compares to the Oakley's.

I believe that those are called gussets, but I'm not sure.

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