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Advise needed - off-ice shooting training package

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I am thinking of buying the following package for my kids for off-ice shooting/stickhandling practice:

I24'x40' shooting platform

Better Hockey Stick Weight


30 pucks

Is anybody used that or heard of somebody using it? Any review other than on sellers sites? Is it worth $176 (with S&H) or better to spend it on more ice time?

Here is a link to a product:

5,000 Puck Sniper Shooting Package

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"Back in the day", we'd tie a 5lb weight (or 10 - depending on the individual), tie it to a skate lace, drill a hole through the middle of a18 inch long piece of hockey stick, and thread the lace through the hole (knot on each side), and just roll the lace up, and down (using wrists only - arms straight out). Just continually twirl the stick, rolling/unrolling the lace (with the weight attached) all the way up, all the way down.

SUPPOSEDLY, this increased forearm and wrist strength, and made for better wrist shots.

AS FOR THE SNIPER PACKAGE, I hadn't heard of it before, so can't comment, but figured I'd mention the above in case there's any merit to it.

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We do wightlifting that includes exersizes for wrists.

Also we do running and they play with a golf ball.

But I want my kids to get more of off-ice stuff. I mean, right now they still have free time. They usually spend 2 to 3 hours a day playing computer, so I can easly take 1 more hour away to have them train more.

I am looking at some way to improove their shooting skills - this is why I am looking at this package.

So I will appretiate som suggestions on off-ice shooting exersizes.

Also, if somebody can help me with running program, "specialized" for hockey, that will be good.

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Back in Bobby Hull's day.. he just lifted alot of hay... but I guess that wouldnt be very convenient these days... So I suggest forearm curls with weights, and i also recommend the same method that Ogie suggested...The curls are great for snapshots, the forearm rolls for wristers.

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I have a squirt age son. I taped 4 pucks to the shaft of his stick and I let him shoot pucks and/or tennis balls in the garage at a hockey net. Wrist curls are another good exercise. Save your money, you do not always need fancy devices to improve skills.

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We do wightlifting that includes exersizes for wrists.

Also we do running and they play with a golf ball.

But I want my kids to get more of off-ice stuff. I mean, right now they still have free time. They usually spend 2 to 3 hours a day playing computer, so I can easly take 1 more hour away to have them train more.

I am looking at some way to improove their shooting skills - this is why I am looking at this package.

So I will appretiate som suggestions on off-ice shooting exersizes.

Also, if somebody can help me with running program, "specialized" for hockey, that will be good.

I did all the old-school training methods as previously mentioned and they worked really well, but if I had an automated puck server when I was a kid, I would be in heaven!

However, you can buy all the hockey "toys" for kids, but if they don't have the desire to play or practice, it will be a waste of money. If you think that buying this package will motivate your kids to practice more, then I think you are putting your efforts and money in the wrong place. If that's not the problem, then I think it's a great tool if money is not the issue.

A running program for hockey:

Lots of debate on this issue. Some NHL'ers say its better to play hockey in the winter and soccer or lacross in the summer instead of hockey all year round. Otherwise, you should probably look at a roller-blade program vs a running program as it will develop the muscles more closely to improve hockey then a running program will.

Good luck.

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ur set up sounds pretty rad. if ur kids are younger i wouldnt focus on weighted pucks as much as i would on form and technique. if they are just learning to shoot, focus on accuracy. my brother and i set up a shooting platform made of a plastic sheet on some plywood in our back ally. we made a plywood target and painted various spots on it to shoot at. we live close to a rink so we had an abundance of pucks, like 100. first few sets we did accuracy, then speed, then a few sets of weighted pucks. we did this for alspshots, wrist shots and snapshots. it's kind of time concuming, but imo its the best way to get better at shooting. perfect prectice makes perfect right. we also played around with golf balls and smart balls to get better at puck handling. weight trainng will help with overall quickness and power, prolly used in a slapshot, but for quick and accurate shooting, the only way to improve is to practice. what i did was do a modified rapid fire type drill on the board, where one person is shooting, and the other is on the opposite side of him placing pucks after every shot. the faster the better.

that's just my 2 cents. It's in "winter racehorse" too. a fictional story, but whatever.

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Just an update:

I did not get the package. I got just a shooting board and from a different site - http://www.skillpad.net The board is 4x3, wich is bigger that the one in the package, and the price is $35 + $30S&H . I think this is the same board that icewarehouse sells for $99.

I am happy with it so far. Both kids like it.

First day 9 years old one spend almost 3 hours (!!!) practicing shooting. He stopped counting at 200 hundred shots. now they do about 1 to 1.5 hours a day, which is a lot from my point of view, and I don't actually have to push them.

I can't say it is good for stick handling with normal pack, yanger kid prefer to stickhandle with theirs special Deke pack (it slides very good on this board), and older one likes golf ball more.

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that sounds pretty decent. especially if your kids are just doing it by themselves, and it's not provoked. that's a big problem with kids in sports. they get pushed too hard, then they dont want to play anymore. some encouragement and pushing is good too, but it's kinda tough to regulate.

i love practicing with golf balls, it's tricky be silent when doing it, but makes for good wrist movement, and developing soft hands.

that shooting board sounds tiny though, i dunno how big your kids are, but the one i made with my dad and brother is about 4 feet wide, and like 6-7 feet long. then you can have a full surface to shoot off of as well as some room to handle the puck.

look at your local hardware store and ask for corrigate counter top material or plastic laminant. use some rubber cement and a plywood base, and ur set for a fraction of the cost.

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