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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tapered or standard?

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I'm thinking of picking up a new stick.

either the Inno Novius or Mission M-2/L-2. any opinions on these?

which is better ... the tapered or standard shaft?

any durability issues with tapered?


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theres been problems with the inno novius twisting during slap shots. id got with the mission or an inno 1100


thats kinda funny b/c I read posts saying Missions twist due to more rounded grip. the 1100 is supposed to have serious durability issues.

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I've never had problems with my L2 twisting but I use Helium or Salming gloves that have a little more grip than some others. The Inno problems come from the shaft itself twisting open.

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i noticed that the first time i use a novius shaft it has a great kick,but even by the 2nd use a bit of that zip from shots is gone. it happened to my original shaft, and the replacement.

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I got rid of my 1100 after I tried and bought the L2. The inno did torque on me and took some off of my (slap) shot. So far, the L2 is the best tapered I have found. If they only made it in a grip.......... :(

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how is it compared to a L-2 in term of weight/balance?

or do the novius is the same as the XV?

I think the 1100 was either heavier OR less balanced. I tried the Inno with a Inno and an Easton Si-Core blade and it still was not as nice as the L2 (with an L2) blade.

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i really don,t liked my L-2 with a L-2 blade...with a synthesis or a wood blade it was much better..

anyways i never tried the INNO but i can say the L-2 is a great shaft..if you can find the right blade for it!

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I got rid of my 1100 after I tried and bought the L2. The inno did torque on me and took some off of my (slap) shot. So far, the L2 is the best tapered I have found. If they only made it in a grip..........  :(

wow, I wasn't expecting so many negative things being said about Inno Novius. :blink:

I'll take a closer look at the L2 or M2.

thanks for all the info, but no one answered my question about whether tapered shafts are any less durable than standard ....

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I got rid of my 1100 after I tried and bought the L2. The inno did torque on me and took some off of my (slap) shot. So far, the L2 is the best tapered I have found. If they only made it in a grip..........  :(

wow, I wasn't expecting so many negative things being said about Inno Novius. :blink:

I'll take a closer look at the L2 or M2.

thanks for all the info, but no one answered my question about whether tapered shafts are any less durable than standard ....


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well there no difference it is just a different hosel lenght...i mean if you look at an other angle..

the only thing is...you will certainly never break a blade at the hosel since it is so small. let say you play with a Z-carbon you might broke it at the focus flex zone...but you will never broke a synthesis cuz it is soo short in length

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