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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My league starts tonight and it requires a neckguard :angry: . I haven't played in 2 years, when I used to play, I had a neckguard/shirt from Bauer that was great. I folded it down, didn't have any problems. Now I'm wearing UA, and would rather wear it with a crap neckguard than having a good neckguard, but heavier feeling. I have an older neckguard, I had as a back-up thats been taped to make it smaller, but is still stiff and unappealing. Is there anyway I can soften this up in the couple hours I have before my game?

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try buying a jr neckguard and putting a bit of water on it before games. after a week or so it will be soft enough that you can just use it dry

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i actually picked up the basic nz ones. itech updated them this year and they are black with a gray inner lining and the text is in chrome (although that wore off from sweat and its dark grey now). they are around $15, and they have been good, they are thin enough that i dont notice it on the ice when i start playing.

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I have one of the thin itech ones, but it always pops out from under my shouldies so I don't wear it, although I would like to if it didn't do this.

I also wear a neckguard shirt, and fold it down so it is comfy. Still protective, but a lot more comfortable.

As for softening, heat it up a little bit, and it will get a lot less scrunchy and tight feeling. Scrunch it up and then extend it, keep doing this while it is hot/warm and it will be more comfy..

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Not looking to grab a new one right now, just a quick fix for tonight.

Cut up an old t-shirt and wrap it around the neckguard. The Itech ones use the same material in their liner as they use on their ice-air shirts, it's very popular here.

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just wet it a bit. that does the trick for me. if your bauer neckguard is the type with the flaps at the front and back just leave it over the underarmour and under the shoulder pads, you wont feel them. if its an actual neckguard shirt then maybe you can trim it a bit

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I have an itech that is cut in half so it does 2 neckguards.(I know it's illegal, but I hate to wear a neckguard) I just sewed(?) a black pipeline(pipping) in the bottom so it does not open up and in the top for the other one. Me and My brother are using it in the same team and we never have had any problem with them.

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